The Last Track
The Last Track
Funeral Customs and Etiquette
If you have not attended a funeral before or don't know the funeral customs of the person who has passed away, the idea of attending can be overwhelming. It is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed, especially when grieving. This quick guide will talk about the most common funeral traditions. Please note this is not a complete guide and it is best to ask about any specific customs that will be observed. In this episode, Brian talks about and explains each part of a traditional funeral. He addresses typical customs for a viewing and the before service customs. Then he addresses the common outline of a funeral from a eulogy to a final prayer. Brian then talks about how to process to a graveside and what to expect at a reception after the funeral.
If you have any customs or etiquette that you would like this podcast to cover, please send an email to info@batemanpacificview.com.