The Last Track
Bateman Funeral Home is focused on helping people showcase their life story in their final wishes. This podcast is designed to provide tips and tools, as well as answer common questions about the funeral industry, to help people navigate the funeral planning process.
The Last Track
Common Questions about Green Services
Season 42
Episode 2
This trilogy is exploring the reasons that individuals may choose cremation or burial. In this podcast, Brian talks about different questions that are frequently asked about both cremation and burial. Some of the questions covered in this episode include:
- Can I pay for everything at the funeral home or do I have to coordinate with a cemetery too?
- What costs are associated with burial?
- Can only veterans be buried at sea?
- What are my options for the urn after cremation?
- Can I still be buried with my spouse if I choose cremation and they choose burial?
- Can all of my ashes be turned into art?